Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM


500 Main Street,
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM


500 Main Street,
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Council Meetings

The Borough of Metuchen welcomes engaged citizens and active citizen participation at meetings. We hope that the information below will help you voice your opinions on the issues that matter to you.

Click here for Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

The Public Comment period is an opportunity for citizens to express opinions, raise issues, and provide information to elected officials. Comments presented during this segment should be on municipality related issues and not items that are scheduled for Public Hearing or a vote on the same evening’s agenda.

When addressing the Council, the Council requests that the public observe the following procedures to ensure that every citizen is treated courteously and has an opportunity to speak:

  • Come forward to the podium when you speak.
  • When recognized by the Chair, state your name and address for the official record before directing your question or comment to the presiding officer which is usually the Mayor.
  • Please limit your comment time to five minutes or less.

The Borough of Metuchen does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. Those individuals requiring auxiliary aids and services were necessary must notify the ADA Coordinator of the Borough of Metuchen at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the meeting or scheduled activity. The ADA Coordinator is Melissa Perilstein, 732-632-8509, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Upcoming Council Meetings

3 Mar
Mayor & Council Meeting
Date 03.03.2025 7:30 pm
24 Mar
Mayor & Council Meeting
03.24.2025 7:30 pm
7 Apr
Mayor & Council Meeting
04.07.2025 7:30 pm
28 Apr
Mayor & Council Meeting
04.28.2025 7:30 pm
12 May
Mayor & Council Meeting
05.12.2025 7:30 pm
9 Jun
Mayor & Council Meeting
06.09.2025 7:30 pm
30 Jun
Mayor & Council Meeting
06.30.2025 7:30 pm