Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM


500 Main Street,
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM


500 Main Street,
Metuchen, NJ 08840

municipal court

Upcoming Court Sessions

18 Oct
Court Session
Date 10:00 am
25 Oct
Court Session
10:00 am
1 Nov
Court Session
10:00 am
8 Nov
Court Session
10:00 am
22 Nov
Court Session
10:00 am

Municipal Court News

Municipal Court Information

Mission Statement of the New Jersey Court System

We are an independent branch of the government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of the law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitution and laws of the United States and this State.

Municipal courts are statutory courts of limited jurisdiction. Proceedings include all matters within their statutory jurisdiction including disorderly and petty disorderly criminal offenses such as simple assault, harassment, shoplifting, lewdness, and criminal mischief; violations of motor vehicle and traffic laws such as driving while intoxicated, uninsured vehicle, driving while suspended or revoked, reckless or careless driving, speeding, and all parking matters; also, violations of the fish and game and boating laws; violations of all county and municipal ordinances; and all other proceedings in which jurisdiction is granted.


Borough of Metuchen Municipal Court
500 Main Street
Metuchen, New Jersey 08840

Judge: James Hoebich, J.M.C.
Prosecutor: John E. Kawczynski, Esq.
Public Defender: Jennifer Marshall, Esq.
Court Administrator: Wahjira Williams-Fisher
Deputy Court Administrator: Bobbi Stone

Violations Bureau Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Payments are taken till 3:45 pm

Telephone Number 732-632-8505
Fax Number: 732-632-8112

For Discovery:
Fax to Police Records at 732-632-8114 or email to

  • No weapons are permitted in the court room or the municipal building
  • Please remain seated quietly in the court room. Proceedings are taped and any background noise may cause interference on the tapes.
  • Food, drink or chewing gum is not permitted in the court room. Newspaper reading is not permitted while court is in session.
  • Smoking is prohibited by law in all government buildings.
  • Please avoid bringing small children to court.  If you must bring them, please be prepared to wait outside the court room until your case is called.
  • Please wear suitable clothing to court. Shirts and shoes are required. Hats are not permitted.
  • When your name or the case you are involved in is called, come forward to the podium to speak to the judge. Do not approach the bench at any time.
  • Turn cell phones and pagers off or to vibrate.

Important Note: 
If you plan to plead “not guilty” to a ticket (summons) that is not checked “court required” you must call the court office in advance to schedule your court appearance.

The court session is conducted as follows: (in accordance with R-7:14-3a)

  • Application for adjournments
  • Arraignments and first appearances
  • Guilty Pleas
  • Contested Matters with Attorneys
  • Contested Matters without Attorneys
  • All Other Contested Matters

Sometimes, just speaking to someone who is familiar with the laws in New Jersey can reassure you and help you decide whether or not you need an attorney to represent you. 

Call the Middlesex County Bar Lawyer Referral Service – (732) 828-0053

  • Phone referral is free, with no obligation
  • Reduced fee for a half hour consultation
  • LRS is a public service of the Middlesex County Bar Association
Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline 1-800-322-5525
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-792-8610
Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-572-7233
Drug Hotline 1-800-225-0196
Elderly Abuse Hotline 1-800-792-8820
Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center
(Middlesex County)
Lawyer Referral Service 732-828-0053
Middlesex County Adult Corrections Center 732-297-3636
Middlesex County Family Court 732-981-3226
Middlesex County Probation 732-826-6244
Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office 732-745-3300
Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office 732-745-3271
Middlesex County Superior Court 732-981-3200
N.J. Coalition for Battered Women 1-609-584-8107
N.J. Department of Motor Vehicles 1-609-292-7500
N.J. Division of Youth & Family Services 1-800-331-3937
Runaway Hotline 1-800-231-6946
Victims of Crime Compensation Board 1-800-242-0804
Women’s Referral Center 1-800-322-8092

The MVC offers information regarding license restoration, points, suspensions, and surcharges.

Call 609-292-7500 or visit their website: