Borough of 

500 Main St.
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Emergency Management

Coordinator:  Arthur Flaherty

Deputy Coordinators:  James Burns, Angelo Donato, Keith O'Brien


Report all Emergencies by dialing 9-1-1

CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment Page

Enroll in CodeRED

The Office of Emergency Management is responsible to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of any emergency in the Borough resulting from natural or man-made disasters. These may include fires, transportation accidents, severe weather and criminal activity. The Office of Emergency Management conducts emergency planning and will alert, mobilize and coordinate all municipal departments and agencies in the event of an emergency. The Office also serves as liason with neighboring municipalities, the County and the State. Upon request we will assist residents, schools and businesses with emergency planning.

In the event of a disaster or emergency, Borough residents may be asked to evacuate their home or shelter in place by remaining where they are. You and your family can cope with emergencies by preparing in advance.

  • Learn about disasters that are most likely to happen such as fire, severe weather or transportation accidents.
  • Create a plan and review it with your family. Discuss shelter and evacuation. Have an out of area family contact and instruct all family members away from home at the time of a disaster to call that person and tell them where they are and whether they are safe.
  • Know basic first aid, CPR and how to operate a fire extinguisher. Learn how to shut off the utilities in your home.
  • Assemble a disaster supply kit with items you may need in an evacuation. Stock emergency supplies in case you are confined to your home. Keep a flashlight and portable radio in working order.

The following links offer helpful information on emergency planning and preparation: